Dang peer pressure...

Dang peer pressure… You’ve gone and done it. You, YES YOU are to blame for this. Ya’ll are forcing me to do something I’ve never done before, again.

Every Monday, as I’m scrolling through the BIG 3 social media apps, I come across the hashtag “#MotivationMonday.” Well, today is the day I have finally been motivated. In 2019 I will complete my first (and probably only) FULL MARATHON!

I hate running, but I bought running sneakers about 2 years ago and never used them. So, tomorrow I will dust them off and start my training. If you know any good marathons in the DMV, let me know. I haven’t figured out anything past the “get out a run” part.


Here's what happened to me

Have you ever left a note on someone’s car? Have you ever replied to a note that someone else left on someone else’s car?

Here’s what happened to me..

After work one day, I was walking back to my car, parked in a parking garage, and I noticed something on my windshield. I found not one but two notes. Enjoy!


Keep in mind the person who left the first note was parked to the left. If they couldn’t open their driver side door, how did they get into their car to drive away?

I wish the note had that question answered.