My girlfriend wears the pants... I wear the gown.

On February 19th I posted that I was going to start training for a full marathon.  Feb 19th POST

Honestly, I haven’t done any running yet, but I have done a little walking. The pneumonia kind. Walking pneumonia. The day after I posted about running again, my body decides that’s not a good idea.

Prior to me knowing I had pneums I tried self medicating with some over the counter drugs. A little NyQuil™ here, a little DayQuil™ there… a sprinkle of Benadryl... a long list of teas and other herbs and spices. I lived off dry toast & over the counter liquid gold for a few days. I thought I was getting better but my girlfriend was not impressed.

Here’s the reason my wonderful girlfriend wears the pants in the relationship and I wear a gown.


She basically forced me to go to the doctor by setting up an appointment for me. She called me on her way home from work, and told me it was time to man up & go to the doctor. While I was coughing and trying to tell her I was fine and getting better, I received a text message from a doctor’s office confirming that I had an appointment in 1 hour. I told her I’d meet her outside when she gets home, so she could drive me to the office.

After a few minutes with the doctor and a quick x-ray, he confirmed it was more then just a little cold. I had full blown pneumonia.

You can understand why I hate running. Thinking of running gives me pneumonia.

P.S. I lost about 8 pounds from this, so it’s sorta like I was running the whole time. (Gotta stay positive)

Dang peer pressure...

Dang peer pressure… You’ve gone and done it. You, YES YOU are to blame for this. Ya’ll are forcing me to do something I’ve never done before, again.

Every Monday, as I’m scrolling through the BIG 3 social media apps, I come across the hashtag “#MotivationMonday.” Well, today is the day I have finally been motivated. In 2019 I will complete my first (and probably only) FULL MARATHON!

I hate running, but I bought running sneakers about 2 years ago and never used them. So, tomorrow I will dust them off and start my training. If you know any good marathons in the DMV, let me know. I haven’t figured out anything past the “get out a run” part.
