Tri-And Help
Random thought of the day
Which river is more popular, the Yakima, Snake, or Columbia river? If you have an answer.. well, let me know.
Random thought of the day
Which river is more popular, the Yakima, Snake, or Columbia river? If you have an answer.. well, let me know.
"Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
― Earl Nightingale
We are a little over a week into 2018 and by far this is my most successful year on social media, so far. On January 1st, I tweeted out this..
I still fully intend to keep up with my plan of following people on twitter. (I just figured it’s easier following the most people on Twitter vs. obtaining the most followers on Twitter.)
On January 6th at 11am I replyed to a tweet about the Cleveland Browns.
Over 450 likes on the most simple tweet!
“Win a game.”
Since I'm famous now... I want to remind you. You can accomplish anything. Just keep your eye on the prize.
The tweet that started my fame