Month to Month to Me

Here’s one sentence that recaps something new that happened

to me every month starting from May 2016


May- I left New Jersey on a bicycle with my two friends from college.

June- I visited the Gateway Arch in St. Louis for the first time.

July- I fell in love and then two hours later hated Utah.

August- I flew back to New Jersey after visiting California for the first time.

September- I started a new job at SiriusXM.

October- I obtained a driver's license, for the first time in my life, that doesn't say "New Jersey" on it.

November- I tried to avoid all political facebook posts.

December- I turned 28 years old for the first time.

January- I became an Ordained Minister.


February- I completed certification courses in Fundamentals of Project Management, Achieving Personal Success, and Introduction to Time Managment.

March- I delivered for UberEATS on a bicycle.

April- I started cleaning out the van with intensions to sell it later this year.


My Media is Social

If it happened, it's here..

Shifting Gears in 2016

All across the internet it seems everyone is cursing out 2016. Anticipating a better 2017.

Honestly, I can’t complain because 2016 wasn’t a particularly bad year for me. In fact the last two years I’ve kind of been kicking major keester in the “achieving personal goals” department.

In 2015, I decided to downsize, move into a van and start a podcast/blog. Blah, blah, blah.. I know that’s all I talk about here on, (Go figure) My point is, that was a goal and I accomplished it.



In January, at the beginning of 2016, I was working in corporate television. My new obsession.. I mean goal was to get back to producing radio. After months of people telling me walking across America was a bad idea, a friend called me a asked if I would consider riding a bicycle across the country instead. 

I said "YES!” immediately, but most people don’t know this part.. I held off from committing to the trip because I was waiting to hear back from a radio station that I thought I had a chance to work at in the Northern Midwest. In February, I was listening to the radio show, I applied to, and one of the cast members compared my broadcasting experience to a “Subway sandwich maker”… That’s when I realized I wasn’t going to get a call. 

The plan was to quit my corporate job to find a new job, as a Radio Producer.

Day 1, New Jersey

Day 1, New Jersey

At the end of March I gave my employer a six week notice. By mid-April I bought a bicycle and on the first week in May I was on my way to California riding my stead. 

Full Refund, San Francsico 

Full Refund, San Francsico 

I learned a lot about myself and I met bunch of really great people along the way. 

Some New, Some Old Friends.

Some New, Some Old Friends.

I contacted a bunch of radio stations as I traveled through 12 states. A few places replied.. most didn’t. At the end of the trip I had a couple of interviews over the phone between Colorado and California.

After miles of peddling from the East Coast to the West Coast, as crazy as it sounds, I accepted a Radio Producer job at the end of my trip.


So, I can’t speak for you, because 2016, for me, went as planned.

Highest Point, Colorado 

Highest Point, Colorado 


I have no regrets. I don't believe in looking back. What I am proudest of? Working really hard... and achieving as much as I could. -Elena Kagan